
Our Covid19 Commencement for Class of 2020
SiMohamed Sarhane, US Principal

CAS staff and administration worked tirelessly to create the best possible ceremony for our the graduating class, while still maintaining proper social distancing and safety procedures. 

The Casablanca American School graduating class of 2020 has shown nothing but resilience, patience, and perseverance during these uncharted COVID-19 times. Sadly, our graduates were unable to end their year at CAS in class together, they had no senior trip and no senior prom, but a commencement ceremony was something we wanted to honor them with. We always talk about how CAS is a special tight-knit community, it is this commitment to each other and to our school that enabled us to pull off a 2020 graduation ceremony, unlike anything we have ever done. 


Many of our students have been at our school since nursery and spent all those years dreaming of the moment that they will walk across the stage and graduate. This rite of passage and celebration is something we did not want the graduating class of 2020 to be robbed of. We are so proud of this group of vibrant students and wanted to celebrate all of their hard work and determination. CAS staff and administration worked tirelessly to create the best possible ceremony for our the graduating class, while still maintaining proper social distancing and safety procedures. 


Livestreamed Ceremony: 

The 2020 Graduation Ceremony was live-streamed on YouTube to enable family members and the CAS community at large to follow along at home. The "virtual ceremony" began with pre-recorded speeches from our valedictorians. From there, to avoid large groups, each graduate was assigned designated graduation time slots, where they would arrive by car with their parents. Each graduate's journey from the car to the podium was filmed, enabling viewers at home to feel like they were there along with them. The 2020 graduates walked proudly walk across the stage, received their diploma from the US Principal and posed for photos with their immediate family and guests of honor - The US Consul General, Jennifer Rasamimanana and CAS Board Members. 


It is with proud hearts that we send out our sincerest wishes to the Class of 2020. You are resilient and determined and capable of anything! Thank you for making us proud and this challenging end to your CAS career head-on with smiles on your faces. We look forward to following your successes as you step out into the world.

Once a Cobra, always a Cobra!