
SAT Testing Announcement
Rana Haroun

This is a reminder that the SAT test is taking place on Saturday, March 13, 2021. All students must arrive at school no later than 7:30 a.m. Students will enter the school through the Back Gate. Students will line up in the GYMNASIUM to check-in while respecting social distancing rules. Please arrive on time to check-in and access your testing room. Students arriving after 8:00 a.m. will not be allowed to enter the testing room.


Dear Students and Parents, 

This is a reminder that the SAT test is taking place on Saturday, May 8th, 2021. All students must arrive at school no later than 7:30 a.m. Students will enter the school through the Back Gate. Students will line up in the GYMNASIUM to check-in while respecting social distancing rules. Please arrive on time to check-in and access your testing room. Students arriving after 8:00 a.m. will not be allowed to enter the testing room. 

Campus Entry: 

You may only come to school if: 

  • Your temperature is not at or above 38 degrees Celsius
  • You and your family members are well and not symptomatic
  • You and your family members have not been in contact with anyone who has tested positive or is showing symptoms of Covid-19 within the past 14 days 

In order to ensure our students’ safety, please read the CAS Covid-19 Safety Protocol and the CAS Covid Handbook. 

As you arrive, you must respect social distancing of six feet at all times. Upon arrival and entry from the Back Gate, you will go through the below check-in stations: 

  • Temperature checks will be conducted upon entry to campus
  • No entrance on campus will be permitted to anyone who exhibits a temperature of 38 degrees Celsius or higher for any reason
  • Hand sanitizing & footwear disinfection protocols will be enforced
  • Be reminded to practice regular hand washing 
  • Wear your mask at all times. No entrance on campus will be permitted to anyone not wearing a mask. 
  • Follow posted signs emphasizing building use and social distance measures 
  • Make sure you turn your phone off. It will be collected in class prior to testing 
  • Go to your assigned room 

You need to bring the following on test day: 

  • Your admission ticket, printed from your College Board account. If you do not bring your admission ticket on test day, you will be denied entry to the test center. 
  • Make sure that your name, date of birth, and gender showing on your admission ticket match EXACTLY your name, date of birth, and gender on your official photo ID. Please note that if there are any discrepancies between the name, date of birth, and gender on your admission ticket and official photo ID, you will be denied entry to the test center. 
  • Bring a photo ID (passport or national ID) 
  • Bring two n.2 pencils (e.g. HB2) and erasers (no pens or mechanical pencils) and calculators. See the list of approved calculators
  • Bring snacks and drinks, you’ll be able to drink and eat during breaks 

Parents, please plan to pick up your child between 12 pm and 1 pm.

The following is the Standard timing for the SAT: 

You are reminded to access Khan Academy to practice for the test. You can also see the SAT Study Guide for additional resources 

Breaks and bathroom policy: 

  • You are reminded to take your break in the designated areas outside of your testing room amphitheater 
  • You are not allowed to drink or to eat during the test. You can drink or eat during breaks in the designated areas outside of your testing room
  • You are not allowed to talk during breaks or to leave the building
  • During break time, only two students at a time are allowed to go to the bathroom 
  • During testing time, only one student at a time is allowed to go to the bathroom 

Departure Protocol: 

  • All students will be dismissed from the Back Gate only
  • Make sure you pick up your phone before leaving class


Best regards, 

Rana Haroun 

College Counselor at Casablanca American School 
Office: +212 522 793 803 
WhatsApp: +212 777 631 729 
College Counseling Resources